Morning swim

I've been swimming a lot lately.  I've been out swimming in the ocean 5 days a week.  I usually take out the newbies and go slow, but still feel like all the practice has made me faster and more comfortable.  In fact, on one swim last week, I didn't even think about breathing for a good 5 minutes in the water--it was totally subconscious!

But for today's swim, I decided to go out for my first morning swim.  At 7:30, it certainly wasn't as early as those hardcore morning swimmers, but it was early for me.  And at least I made it to my swim unlike some of my less fortunate friends (Katie!). :)

This morning was definitely a great time to go to the cove.  Parking was no problem, the water was calm, and there were no lines at the showers.  I was really looking forward to this swim with the faster people to see if all my base building swims would pay off in speed.  I felt ready to go out with the fast swimmers and see if I could keep up.  Alas, it was not to be.  I couldn't even keep up with Ryan while drafting off him.  It probably didn't help that I wasn't swimming very straight and kept getting out of his slipstream.  Looks like I'll have to keep practicing.  Of course, Ryan's out there swimming just as much as I am, so I need to find some way to get in extra speed training while he's not paying attention. :)

The highlight of the morning was seeing a bunch of bat rays.  I saw around 6 in one group and then a couple more single ones in other places.  I also swam over a couple large groups (but not large enough to be a school) of fish.  It was certainly a great way to start the morning!

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katieb said:

go Marlin go! you are such a fish :)

ann marie said:

I went swimming with Corinne aka "the dolphin" last weekend. Try keeping up with that one . . .

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