My International Plan

San Diego International is less than a week away and I'm starting to get nervous about it.  It's the last of the races I did last year, so it's my last chance to compare year to year times.  I feel like I haven't been training as much as I wanted and won't get to see the kind of improvement I'd like.

But I noticed something from what I did at Wildflower and from watching people at Rock N' Roll Marathon.  I finished Wildflower really strong--I was able to sprint the chute at the end.  I thought it felt good at the time, but then when I watched a bunch of people at RNR do the same thing, I thought they looked foolish because they had left way too much out on the course.

So, my plan for SDI is to leave nothing on the course.  Carlsbad half this year was the only race I've done so far where I really had to dig deep and push myself to keep going.  My plan is to do that same thing with SDI, even if it's to the point where I totally break down and simply can't finish.  I have no idea if I can do it.  Even thinking about it now scares me to death.  I know I have to be in the right mindset and be ready to hurt that day.  But I know I won't ever reach my potential until I find out where my limit is.  At Carlsbad, I pushed way past where I thought I could.  I wanted to stop really bad and thought that I kept going, but I didn't--I just kept pushing through.  I know I can do the same here, now I just need to do it.

This sport is 99.9+% mental.  This weekend will be a far greater mental challenge than physical, starting this whole week leading up to the race preparing myself to go all out on Sunday.  Wish me luck! :)

And thanks for talking to me about this and helping me decide what I need to do, Marty!

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katieb said:

you can do it Bri, i know you can :)

Manasse said:

One gauge is to run to you puke. I double dog dare you.

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